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Upgrading from v1.13 to v1.14

Before upgrading cert-manager from 1.13 to 1.14 please read the following important notes about breaking changes in 1.14:

Please install the latest patch release: v1.14.2

The following bugs were found in v1.14.1 and have been fixed in v1.14.2:

  • cert-manager CA and SelfSigned issuers incorrectly copied the critical flag from the CSR instead of re-calculating that field themselves

The following bugs were found during the release of v1.14.0 and have been fixed in v1.14.1:

  • During the release of v1.14.0, the Helm chart was found to use the wrong OCI image for the cainjector Deployment, which caused the Helm installation to fail.
  • A bug in cmctl namespace detection prevents it being used as a startupapicheck image in namespaces other than cert-manager.
  • A bug in cmctl causes cmctl experimental install to panic.

Read the v1.14.2 release notes and v1.14.1 release notes for more information.

New startupapicheck image

The startupapicheck job uses a new OCI image called startupapicheck, instead of the ctl image. If you run in an environment in which images cannot be pulled, be sure to include the new image.

Next Steps

From here on you can follow the regular upgrade process.