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Installing approver-policy

Installation Steps

1. Install cert-manager

cert-manager must be installed, and the the default approver in cert-manager must be disabled.

⚠️ If the default approver is not disabled in cert-manager, approver-policy will race with cert-manager and policy will be ineffective.

If you install cert-manager using helm install or helm upgrade, you can disable the default approver by Customizing the Chart Before Installing using the --set or --values command line flags:

# Example --set value
--set extraArgs={--controllers='*\,-certificaterequests-approver'} # ⚠ Disable cert-manager's built-in approver
# Example --values file content
- "--controllers=*,-certificaterequests-approver" # ⚠ Disable cert-manager's built-in approver

Here's a full example which will install cert-manager or reconfigure it if it is already installed:

helm upgrade cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--install \
--create-namespace \
--namespace cert-manager \
--version v1.14.4 \
--set installCRDs=true \
--set extraArgs={--controllers='*\,-certificaterequests-approver'} # ⚠ Disable cert-manager's built-in approver

ℹ️ The --set installCRDs=true setting is a convenient way to install the cert-manager CRDS, but it is optional and has some drawbacks. Read Helm: Installing Custom Resource Definitions to learn more.

ℹ️ Be sure to customize the cert-manager controller extraArgs, which are at the top level of the values file. Do not change the webhook.extraArgs, startupAPICheck.extraArgs or cainjector.extraArgs settings.

⚠️ If you are reconfiguring an already installed cert-manager, check whether the original installation already customized the extraArgs value by running helm get values cert-manager --namespace cert-manager. If there are already extraArgs values, merge those with the extra --controllers value. Otherwise your original extraArgs values will be overwritten.

2. Install approver-policy

To install approver-policy:

helm repo add jetstack --force-update
helm upgrade cert-manager-approver-policy jetstack/cert-manager-approver-policy \
--install \
--namespace cert-manager \
--version v0.13.0 \

If you are using approver-policy with external issuers, you must include their signer names so that approver-policy has permissions to approve and deny CertificateRequests that reference them. For example, if using approver-policy for the internal issuer types, along with google-cas-issuer, and aws-privateca-issuer, set the following values when installing:

helm upgrade cert-manager-approver-policy jetstack/cert-manager-approver-policy \
--install \
--namespace cert-manager \
--version v0.13.0 \
--wait \
--set app.approveSignerNames="{\*,*,\*,*,\*,*\


To uninstall approver-policy installed via Helm, run:

$ helm uninstall cert-manager-approver-policy --namespace cert-manager
These resources were kept due to the resource policy:
release "cert-manager-approver-policy" uninstalled

As shown in the output, the CustomResourceDefinition for CertificateRequestPolicy is not removed by the Helm uninstall command. This to prevent data loss, as removing the CustomResourceDefinition will also remove all CertificateRequestPolicy resources.

☢️ This will remove all CertificateRequestPolicy resources from the cluster:

$ kubectl delete crd

⚠️ approver-policy versions prior to v0.13.0 do not keep the CustomResourceDefinition on uninstall and will remove all CertificateRequestPolicy resources from the cluster. Make sure to back up your CertificateRequestPolicy resources before uninstalling approver-policy if you are using a version prior to v0.13.0. Or upgrade to v0.13.0 before uninstalling.


📖 Read the approver-policy docs.